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About Peak Function Chiropractic

Our Philosophy

At Peak Function Chiropractic, we are on a quest to address the true underlying cause of the conditions clients suffer with—understanding the why behind your pain or dysfunction is our chiropractor Robert van Schalkwyk’s mission.

Mother and daughter making the shape of a heart with their handsWhen we understand the causal factor of your symptoms, we can design a program to correct the issue at its source so the body can heal and return to optimal performance.

Our belief is that the “equation” of health is: DNA (genetics) make up your structure, and your structure is what allows you to function in your environment. Since we can’t change your environment, our goal is to help your structure function to its maximum ability.
Robert van Schalkwyk, DC 

Our History

After completing his chiropractic education In South Africa, Robert started his career as the clinic director for Reginald Engelbrecht, DC who was the President of the Chiropractic Association of South Africa at that time. He also completed an associateship with Rob Matthews, DC.

During his associateships in South Africa, he was part of inter disciplinary sports rehabilitation teams working with South African Rugby, Gunston 500 international surf championships, Strong Man competitors and South African Athletics.

After moving to United Kingdom, he began practicing as a locum in High Wycombe and then in Fulham as an associate. Since then, he has owned and directed 3 clinics, all the while adding to his skill set with advanced education and training. During this time in the United Kingdom, he has worked with the Pan African Dance Company, European MTV awards and many Music, Hollywood, and international celebrities.

Robert sold his last practice to his clinic partner and associate so that he could develop and perfect his Triangle Model of Care, which is what our care at Peak Function Chiropractic is based on.

Woman with ropes

Our Approach

Our whole-body method of restoring optimal mobility and function is based on addressing the joints of the spine and body, muscles and soft tissues and functional movement patterns. We start by correcting and strengthening our Core.

Our Core: Build Your House on Stone

Our core is the central part of the body that includes your pelvis, stomach, lower AND upper back, shoulders, neck, and head. The core is a group of muscles that stabilises and controls the pelvis and spine and directly influences the legs and arms and head.

The core provides stability, balance, postural support and generates force and correct movement in our legs and arms.

Treating function must start with correcting the Core. Only then can conditions be corrected (like shoulder impingement, hip impingement, knee conditions, tennis elbow, foot and hand dysfunction).

The Triangle model of care is tailored to your specific needs and goals, whether those goals are simple pain relief or world-class athletic performance.

Utilising chiropractic adjustments and moblisations, soft tissue work, stretching, activating and deactivating muscles appropriately, corrective exercise, and functional movement training, our goal is to improve your body’s neuroplasticity so you can move and function your best.

Schedule Today

Contact us today to book your first appointment.

We accept all major insurance plans.

About Peak Function Chiropractic | 020 4505 6196